What are some of the legal and ethical issues facing community-based service providers and consumers?

Home Healthcare Case: Joan and Jerry

The following questions are presented to assist you in understanding the material covered in this chapter. They tend to be general but lend themselves to detailed answers. The answers to these questions can be found in the chapter.


  1. What are community-based services?


  1. Who provides community-based services?


Research Question to focus on

  1. What are the patient services most provided by each of the services? HOME HEALTH CARE.



Research Question to focus on

  1. How are each of the community-based services financed? HOME HEALTH CARE.




  1. What are some of the human resource issues confronting community-based service providers?


  1. What are some of the legal and ethical issues facing community-based service providers and consumers?



Research Question to focus on

  1. In reference to the home healthcare case at the end of this chapter, consider the following:


  1. Should Joan and Jerry have applied for home health care sooner, and, if so, who should have made them aware of the benefits of home health care?


  1. Given what you have learned about the accessibility and financing of home care services, are such services as readily available to other consumers as they were to Joan and Jerry?


NOTE: There is no right answer. Part a of this question is intentionally argumentative, designed to get you thinking.