Twain uses description throughout the novel. Choose 2 examples where Twain uses description to enhance the story’s plot. Make sure you uses actual page numbers and specific quotations to support your answers.

1. Question 1 is a 2 part question: (50 points)

Part 1: Twain uses description throughout the novel. Choose 2 examples where Twain uses description to enhance the story’s plot. Make sure you uses actual page numbers and specific quotations to support your answers.

Huckleberry Finn encounters many characters in the novel. At this point in the novel, choose one character that you feel is most interesting. Explain how this character is central to the plot of the story. Why is this character so interesting? Give specific page numbers and use the actual words of the character in your answer.

Part 2: In chapter 7, Huck stages his own death. Give a detailed account of what happens and how Huck plans to make Pap believe he is dead. Why did he want others to believe he was dead? What do you think of his plan?

Question 2: (50 points)

What does the word “superstition” mean (make sure you cite the source you use for the definition)? Do you know any superstitions? Do you feel that more people in the past believed and followed their beliefs or superstitions than people do today, or do you feel the superstitions are still prevalent in our society?

What modern day representations have you seen of superstitions still existing today?