In your response of 250-300 words, identify at least one line in Bradstreet’s poetry that expresses her position on women writing–herself in particular. Then analyze how we as readers should take that

American Literature I (10226)
I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

Discussion Topic

In some of Bradstreet’s poetry, she tries to placate her readers who might see her as an inferior poet or as someone who shouldn’t be writing poetry. But what does Bradstreet really think? Does she think she shouldn’t be writing poetry? In posting to this discussion question, go below the surface level of Bradstreet’s words to see other evidence of Bradstreet’s thoughts on this topic.


In your response of 250-300 words, identify at least one line in Bradstreet’s poetry that expresses her position on women writing–herself in particular. Then analyze how we as readers should take that