Create a human resources plan and describe ways to deal with a human resources surplus and/or shortage.

This assignment will use the readings and discussions as a base for an individual assignment where students will play the role of an HR professional and will develop an HR plan for a franchise owner. They will apply HR Planning knowledge to forecast demand and supply and then develop a clear plan to address the resulting labour shortage or surplus.

  • Students will conduct research and apply labour supply and demand forecasting concepts and techniques they learned to create this HR plan.
  • Students will then write an executive summary business report which documents the results of their research and their HR plan including (but not limited to) addressing the case questions in the textbook. Your executive summary report must be a Word document.
  • Students will also complete a video-recorded 10-minute presentation which logically documents the results of their research and their HR plans to be presented to the franchise owner. The presentation will provide the owner with a high-level summary of the management report, rationale for action, and the recommended HR plan. The presentation must be (8-10 PowerPoint slides, 12-point font excluding cover page and references page).
  • Part 1: the executive summary report is due on Sunday of Unit 10 and worth 10% of the final grade
  • Part 2: the PowerPoint presentation is due on Sunday of Unit 10 and worth 8% of the final grade

Objective of Assignment

  • Analyze human resources demand to create a forecast using quantitative and qualitative techniques.
  • Use strategies to forecast internal human resources supply.
  • Create a human resources plan and describe ways to deal with a human resources surplus and/or shortage.
  • Develop business communication skills (written and verbal).