Compare the types of equity securities that companies can use to raise equity capital and understand how share prices are determined.

Formatting requirements: • Maximum of 10 sides of A4 (excluding tables, diagrams, references and appendices). • Word limit 4000 Max, every 100 words over limit is penalized at 5% of total mark (excluding references and appendices). • Font size ≥ 12; Font face is Times New Roman. • Line-spacing 1.5 and minimum margin 2.54 cm in all 4 sides. • Submission is via Turnitin • Ensure you attach the assessment cover sheet as a front page to your assignment and the signed group cover form. Learning outcomes associated with assignment: This is a group research assignment. You are expected to undertake research, analysis, take responsibility for your submission. Questions are linked – they are broken down into marks to assist you in structuring your answers and research. 1. Compare the types of equity securities that companies can use to raise equity capital and understand how share prices are determined. 2. Interpret international financial economic theories in relation to financial instruments and markets, including the effect on calculation of financial instrument pricchoes 3. Ethics and behavioural finance