Explain how survey research has been used to support and analyze policy decisions by public administrators.

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Survey research has become an important component of the public agency data analyst’s toolbox. Explain how survey research has been used to support and analyze policy decisions by public administrators.


According to Creswell (2018), survey research analyzes a population sample to produce a quantitative or numerical description of trends, attitudes, or views within that community. One of the most compelling reasons to do survey research is that it enables one to compile the most reliable data sets. According to Liberty University (2022), survey design may produce a quantitative representation of a population’s trends, attitudes, or viewpoints. In addition, a survey may be used to analyze traits and behaviors. The survey design, demographic, sample, instrumentation, research variables, data processing, and interpretation are the elements of a survey technique plan. If there are any missing data, any survey analysis may be less accurate (Cronk, 2015).

Specific information on the survey instrument is included in a survey technique plan. Liberty University, for instance, asserts that it covers pilot testing and other ratings. The survey technique plan provides the instrument’s history and current validity and reliability ratings. It talks about both reliability and authenticity. Validity is the ability to interpret and draw meaningful inferences from the results of an instrument. If earlier findings are reliable, they will provide consistent scoring, be internally consistent, and have high test-retest correlations (ibid). The two primary threats to measurement reliability are subjectivity and lack of precision. A subjective measure, like one used in a survey, depends on the judgment of the measurer or responder, according to Meier, Brudney, and Bohte (2015).

Public administrators can also gather data about individual experiences, viewpoints, and even fictitious circumstances. For instance, researchers might ask about their replies after presenting a fictional issue to participants. To make surveys reliable and valid, they are frequently standardized. Additionally, standardization is necessary for the results to be relevant to a larger population. Survey research is frequently used in public administration to examining public opinions, attitudes, and behaviors about social concerns and factual information. Since surveys provide quick data collection on various issues, survey research has become more common in academia, professional fields, and government.

Surveys have several benefits. For instance, they require less time to perform and are cost-effective. Interviews and questionnaires are the most popular self-report measurement methods. Surveys are also a practical method for doing research. According to Fass-Holmes (2022), survey weariness has not been studied, and the data that are now available do not support conclusive claims or administrative decision-making. Depending on the facts, we may use research to highlight results, assess the impact, and prioritize our efforts. For example, a campaign is useless if it fails to reach a particular audience.

Sharma (2022) argues that while creating a questionnaire requires time and care, it is the most efficient way to gather crucial data on a subject. Their study demonstrates the significance of a high-quality questionnaire. Public administrators who are well-versed in research techniques and data analysis may demonstrate the importance and value of their work. The survey design must also be carried out trustworthy and ethically. Beauchemin et al. argue (2021) that the descriptive and individual nature of the conceptualization of ethical dilemmas in the reviewed literature raises questions regarding its causes and ramifications. This is just as important as the measurements. Meir et al. (2015) suggest that the two main problems with measuring are validity and reliability. The Bible serves as a reminder of God’s goodness, integrity, and might. Reliability is an outstanding quality worth seeking, given its numerous advantages. Micah 6:8 states, “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you. But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God (King James Version, 2017)? Word Count – 824