Camparison and analysis of characters, ideas, themes between The Ravchoen and the “The Wars” by Timothy Findley

Presentation on Literary Analysis of The Raven by Egdar Allan Poe

Using the poem “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, the presentation needs to be an analysis (links to ideas, characters and events from several course materials.

Slide 1- Literary Theories
Using 2 of these theories, analyse the poem and make connections. Marxist Social Criticism, Feminist Social Criticism, Psychological & Psychoanalytic Criticism, Formalism Theory, Reader Response etc.

Slide 2- Literary Devices
Find at least 10 devices with an example of each.

Slide 3- Poetic devices comparison and anyalsis of the poetic devices found between The Raven with the poems “Caged Bird” and “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou.

Slide 4-Short story comparison and analysis of the ideas characters, themes between The Raven and 2 of these short stories: The Dragon by Katherine Govier , Why We Crave Horror Movies by Stephen King, The diamond Necklace by Guy de Maupassant . Man Descending by Guy Vanderhaeghe (not the whole book just the 1 short stroy), A Matter of Balance by WD Valgardson,

Slide 5- Camparison and analysis of characters, ideas, themes between The Ravchoen and the “The Wars” by Timothy Findley