Using the “Behavior Intervention (BIP)” template, create a behavior intervention plan for Angel that includes the following:

Part One: Review the “Angel Case Study” to inform the assignment that follows.

Part 1: Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)

Analyze the case study, initial data, and FBA data found in the “Angel Case Study.” Summarize and analyze the findings of the FBA addressing the following:
• Frequency of incidents
• Interaction with peers
• Consequences of the behavior
• Hypothesis for the function of the behavior: Why do you think the student is acting out?

Part Two: Part 2: Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Propose a BIP based on the FBA data provided in the “Angel Case Study.”

Using the “Behavior Intervention (BIP)” template, create a behavior intervention plan for Angel that includes the following:

• Three measurable behavioral goals for the student to work toward.
• At least two evidence-based motivational and instructional interventions that teach the student how to adapt his behavior in the classroom, while teaching skills that can also be used in different environments.
• Engaging rewards and reinforcements that encourage quality learning and performance, and provide the student with guiding feedback.
• Specific collaborative steps the special education teacher can take to help the general education teacher implement the interventions and create a safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environment that engages the student in meaningful learning activities and social interactions.
• How and at what intervals the team will evaluate the student’s success on his goals.
• Two safety interventions that can be implemented if the student’s behavior escalates and he becomes physically violent while in school.
• How you will maintain student confidentiality durichong the implementation of the plan.