Discuss how your topic relates to one or more of the competencies listed above.Discuss a minimum of 5 principles/concepts from the textbook that can be applied directly to your topic.

A Course Project will be due in this class. It is worth 30% of your final grade and is a research paper, not simply based on your opinion. You will
select your own topic, but it must be course-related and pre-approved. Writing on an unapproved topic will result in a zero for this project. Your
topic must fall within one (or more) of the following competencies:
 The Market System
 The Role of Supply and Demand
 Financial Management
 Legal Issues in Business
 Employee Relations
 Marketing
In your paper be sure to address the following:
 Provide an in-depth discussion on your topic.
 Briefly discuss your chosen competency. How does it relate to business? For example, if you choose a topic that falls under marketing,
discuss the various concepts for marketing and the relationship between marketing and business.
 Discuss how your topic relates to one or more of the competencies listed above.
 Discuss a minimum of 5 principles/concepts from the textbook that can be applied directly to your topic.
 What are the issues/challenges found within your topic as it relates to business? What are your recommendations for resolving the