Complete the questions below to determine the information you need to create a growth plan that uses your current successes and strengths

Business Growth Questions

Complete the questions below to determine the information you need to create a growth plan that uses your current successes and strengths

What are the potential Cost of Expansion?

What business changes would you expect to encounter

What is your Vision, and how does expansion support your Vision?

Is Expansion Optional or Necessary? Why, or why not?

Name three Growth Strategies

What is your Target Market?

What are the Pros and Cons of opening another Restaurant Location as the main Expansion?

Are there products that you can sell internationally?

Are there Products that you can expand to the Internet?

What potential Customers can be targeted in Your Area?

Can you expand Your Product or Service Line? How?

is there a potential to take Market Share from Your Competitors? From who?

Can you Develop a sufficient a Growth Plan? Why or why not?

What Goals can you set? List

Do you need to modify Your Business Plan? What needs to be included?

Will your Personnel Adapt to your growth plans? Why or why not?

Do you need to develop a Market Plan? What would the focus be?

Are there ways to Leverage Technology you currently own? How?

Identify how you would plan the Growth Financing?