Describe their leadership abilities using Google’s Eight Rules for Good Leader Behavior (pgs. 22-23) and how you have seen them use these abilities to provide leadership.

 Good Leadership

In a minimum of one-page (single spaced) paper, first, provide your own definition of leadership as you have come to know it. This definition should be unequivocally free from any literary or textbook assistance.

Your delineation should be constructed from your personal experiences as a leader and/or a leadership style you have observed.

Second, describe an individual (someone you know personally, not a public figure unless you’ve had or have significant personal contact with them) whom you believe demonstrates good leadership behavior.

Describe their leadership abilities using Google’s Eight Rules for Good Leader Behavior (pgs. 22-23) and how you have seen them use these abilities to provide leadership.

In discussing these traits you identify, describe why these traits are important for a leader and how these traits affects today’s complex organizations.

Your assignment should be submitted as a Word document with your name, “Good Leadership Behavior”, MGT 366, and date in a Header section of the document (left-justified).