Which organisms/viruses contribute to the following conditions: pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical cancer, UTIs, herpes, syphilis

22. Review endocrine disorders of the pituitary gland including: gigantism, dwarfism, acromegaly, diabetes insipidus, SIADH a. gigantism- occurs in childhood, accelerated growth velocity before skeletal epiphyses closes. Can lead to cardiomegaly and heart failure b. Acromegaly- occurs in adults, accelerated growth velocity after epiphysis has closed c. Diabetes insipidus- lack of ADH production, kidneys are not able to retain water which leads to profuse amounts of diluted urine causing dehydration, hyperkalemia, and hypernatremia. d. SIADH- too much ADH production, retention of water which leads to oliguria, low serum osmolality, weight gain

23. Review which organisms/viruses contribute to the following conditions: pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical cancer, UTIs, herpes, syphilis a. PID- Neisseria gonorrhea or Clamydia trachomatis b. Cervical Cancer- certain types of HPV and HSV 2 c. Herpes- Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV2) d. Syphilis- Treponema Pallidum e. UTI- E. Coli

24. What is parathyroid hormone (PTH)? Which electrolyte is primarily affected by PTH disorders? a. Parathyroid hormone- causes calcium levels to increase by activating osteoclast in the bones to release calcium. Increases calcium absorption in intestines, and decreases calcium excretion in urine. b. Review differences between Cushing’s syndrome (hypercortisolism) versus Addison’s disease (adrenocortical insufficiency) i. Cushing’s syndrome- caused by excessive glucocorticoids due to pituitary/adrenal tumor. 1. hyperglycemia, hypertension, edema, swollen moon face, buffalo hump, ii. Addison’s disease- caused by adrenocortical insufficiency (decreased cortisol) 1. hypoglycemia, hypotension, bronzing of skin, reduced cardiac output, polyuria, loss of salt.

25. Review the differences between clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. What labs can be drawn to determine if an individual is suffering from a thyroid disorder? a. hypothyroidism- caused by Hashimotos or autoimmune thyroiditis i. cold intolerance, enlarged thyroid, bradycardia, weight gain, irregular menses, b. hyperthyroidism – heat intolerance, diaphoresis, weight loss, exophthalmos, insomnia, restlessness, palpitations,

26. Review the difference between Type 1 diabetes versus Type 2 diabetes a. Type 1 DM- beta cells in pancreas are destroyed does not produce insulin , begins in childhood b. Type 2 DM- cells no longer respond to insulin , decrease of insulin receptors on target cells

27. What are signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia versus hypoglycemia. What are the three Ps? a. hypoglycemia- sleepiness, sweating, hunger, pallor, lack of coordination, irritability, b. hyperglycemia-polydipsia, dry mouth, polyuria, headache, blurred vision weakness c. , polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia

28. Review the difference between primary and secondary brain injury a. primary- occurs as a direct result of initial insult (stroke, concussion) b. secondary- occurs results from progressive damage from the body’s physiological response to initial insult (brain swelling secondary to stroke)

29. Review causes of intracranial pressure; how does it lead to impaired neurological function? a. space-occupying lesions, edema, or with obstruction or excessive production of CSF