Feminist therapists engage in self-disclosure only when it is judged to be therapeutically helpful to the client. How could you assess the degree to which your personal disclosures are appropriate, timely, and helpful to your client?

1. What key concepts or principles of feminist therapy could you incor-
porate in your counseling practice regardless of your theoretical
2. Feminist therapists engage in self-disclosure only when it is judged
to be therapeutically helpful to the client. How could you assess the
degree to which your personal disclosures are appropriate, timely, and
helpful to your client?
3. Feminist therapy aims to include social change as well as individual
change. How competent will you be in facilitating work with your cli-
ents in the area of social action?
4. This approach to therapy places value on exploring issues of power,
privilege, oppression, and discrimination. Do you see yourself as being
primarily interested in exploring these facets with your clients?
5. A number of feminist therapy techniques are described in this c