How might Stan’s cultural identity and context be assessed, and what might be the relationship to his presenting concerns? ŠŠ How might you assist Stan in discovering his social interest and going beyond a preoccupation with his own problems?

What are some ways you would attempt to establish a relationship with Stan based on trust and mutual respect? Can you imagine any difficulties in developing this relationship with him?
ŠŠ What aspects of Stan’s lifestyle particularly interest you? In counseling him, how would these be explored?
ŠŠ The Adlerian therapist identified four of Stan’s mistaken conclusions. Can you identify with any of these basic mistakes? If so, do you think this would help or hinder your therapeutic effectiveness with him?
ŠŠ How might Stan’s cultural identity and context be assessed, and what might be the relationship to his presenting concerns?
ŠŠ How might you assist Stan in discovering his social interest and going beyond a preoccupation with his own problems?
ŠŠ What strengths and resources in Stan might you draw on to support his determination and commitment to change?