Discuss practices established in your practice setting to protect privacy of health information

Articulate why privacy of health information is important (3 marks)
Describe the legal requirements set out in the legislation to protect privacy (3 marks)
Discuss practices established in your practice setting to protect privacy of health information (3 marks)
Articulate and provide rationale for 4 actions that can be taken by nurses to strengthen practices that support protection of health information (8 marks)
Provide evidence of application of course concepts from Units 4 to 7 and include references to sources (e.g., journal articles, web-based materials) beyond those offered in the course materials (3 marks)
Demonstrate scholarly format including:
5-6 pages in length excluding title page and Reference list (1 mark)
Scholarly language and professional tone (2 marks)
Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation (2 marks)
Effective introduction and conclusion (2 marks)
Include accurate APA (7th edition) formatting including:
Title page, headings, and subheadings (1 mark)
Reference citations and reference list (2 marks)