1. Examine the evolution of person centered therapy over time.
2. Describe the main thrust of emotion focused therapy.
3. Differentiate the contributions of Carl Rogers and Abraham
Maslow to humanistic psychology.
4. Understand the role of the therapist’s attitudes in the therapy
5. Describe the ways that empathy, unconditional positive regard,
and genuineness are fundamental to the process and outcome
of therapy.
6. Identify the personal characteristics of therapists that are essential for
clients’ progress.
7. Examine the application of the person-centered approach to crisis
8. Understand the unique characteristics of person-centered expressive arts and how it is based on person-centered philosophy.
9. Examine the key concepts and principles of motivational interviewing and the stages of change.
10. Recognize the contributions and shortcomings of the
person-centered approach to understanding and working with clients from diverse cultures.
11. Identify the contributions and limitations of the person-centered