The helicopter is elevated an additional 15 metres away from the ground. The diameter of the circular area of light on the ground is now closest to

Mathematics Unit 4 Page 1 Week 2 SEND Work
SEND: Work for Submission for Week 2

Show the essential working in the spaces provided for ALL questions.

A search and rescue helicopter shines a light down from a vertical height of 50 metres as shown
below. The circular area of light it creates on the ground has a diameter of 10 metres.

Question 1

The helicopter is elevated an additional 15 metres away from the
ground. The diameter of the circular area of light on the ground is
now closest to

A. 8 m

B. 13 m

C. 15 m

D. 20 m

E. 25 m

Question 2

The helicopter moves to a height so that the diameter of the circular area increases from 10 metres
to 40 metres.

The area of the circular light is now

A. four times what it was before.

B. eight times what it was before.

C. sixteen times what is was before.

D. thirty-two times what is was before.

E. sixty-four times what it was before.

Further Mathematics Unit 4 Page 2 Week 2 SEND Work
Question 3

The value of x in the following figure is


A. 20

B. 25

C. 33

D. 45

E. 55

[Hint: Separate out the similar triangles and match up the corresponding sides and angles]

Question 4

Ben is making a 1:100 model of a car with an engine capacity of 2.3 litres (2300cm3 ). If Ben
wants to include a scale model of the engine, then the capacity of the model engine should be

A. 0.0023 cm3

B. 0.023 cm3

C. 0.23 cm3

D. 2.3 cm3

E. 23 cm3

Question 5

Triangle ABC is similar to triangle AXY.

AX =
If the area of ABC = 108 cm2 , the area of AXY is

A. 32 cm2

B. 48 cm2

C. 54 cm2

D. 72 cm2

E. 81 cm2






Further Mathematics Unit 4 Page 3 Week 2 SEND Work
Question 6

A cylindrical block of wood has a diameter of 12 cm and a height of 8 cm.

A hemisphere is removed from the top of the cylinder, 1 cm from the edge, as shown below.

The volume of the block of wood, in cubic centimetres, after the hemisphere has been removed is
closest to

A. 452

B. 606

C. 643

D. 1167

E. 1357

Question 7

A triangular prism with a cross-section of an equilateral
triangle is shown on the right.

The side lengths of the triangle are 4cm and the length of
the prism is 10cm.

The total surface area in square cm is

A. 46.93

B. 80

C. 93.86

D. 126.93

E. 133.86

4 cm
10 cm

Further Mathematics Unit 4 Page 4 Week 2 SEND Work
Question 8

A proposed swimming pool is to be constructed in the western suburbs of Melbourne. The design of
the swimming pool is shown in the diagram below. The pool has two sections: one section has a flat
base, while the other section has a sloping base.

From the shallow end of the pool, the first 25 metres of the pool has a constant depth of 0.9 metres.
Halfway along the length of the pool, the depth begins to increase at a constant rate, reaching a
maximum depth of 2.2 metres.

(a) Name the shape of the quadrilateral ABCF.


(b) Calculate the distance EI. Write your answer in metres, correct to two decimal places.

[Hint: draw out the triangle that is involved in calculating EI].

(c) Calculate the area of the side of the pool bound by ABCDEFA. Write your answer in square metres,
correct to one decimal place.

Further Mathematics Unit 4 Page 5 Week 2 SEND Work
(d) Using your answer to part c., find the volume of water required to fill the pool. Write your answer correct
to the nearest cubic metre.

(e) The sloping section of the base of the pool bound by the rectangle BCGH is painted first and that

section of the pool is filled before the flat section of the base is painted.

Calculate the volume of water required to fill the section of the pool with the sloping base, up to the

level of the flat base. Write your answer correct to the nearest cubic metre.

[Hint:Visualise the section that will be filled up with water and draw the 3-D diagram that represents it]

Question 9

The top two-metre section of a five-metre high cone is removed.

Calculate the percentage of the total volume of the remaining (bottom) part