What are some of the things that you enjoy most about your job? What motivates you to stay at this job? What motivates you to perform well and give extra effort in your work?

“You’re the Boss” Field Report

What are some of the things that you enjoy most about your job?
What motivates you to stay at this job?
What motivates you to perform well and give extra effort in your work?
Is there anything that you wish you could change about your job? What is it?
Is there anything that frustrates you (i.e., is de-motivating) about your coworkers or the organization you work for?
Do you know what is expected of you at work? How does that affect your motivation?
Do you have the materials and equipment you need to do your work right? How does that affect your motivation at work?
At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day? Why or why not?
In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work? How does that affect your motivation?
Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about you as a person? How does that affect your motivation on the job?
Is there someone at work who encourages your development? How does that make you feel?
At work, do your opinions seem to count? Why or why not?
Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important? How does that relate to your motivation at work?
Are your coworkers committed to doing quality work? Does this affect your motivation?
This last year, have you had opportunities at work to learn and grow? How has that affected your subsequent motivation?
Has your motivation at work (either in terms of direction, intensity, or duration) changed at all since you first started the job? If so, why might that be?