What are the respective mediums of choice and sources of inspiration?

Choose two art movements from this module to compare/contrast. One from the first half of the twentieth-century (Surrealism, Dadaism, Fauvism, etc.) and one of the more contemporary “movements/trends” (Performance Art, Pop Art, Minimalism, Process Art, Feminist Art, Postmodern art/architecture) and answer the following:
1. Outline the major ideas, influences, and style behind each movement:
o What are the respective mediums of choice and sources of inspiration?
o Are there any manifestos or political ideologies that inform the movement? Was there a global event that influenced the movement (i.g. WWI, WWII)
o Were there any new mediums/technologies that impacted either movement?
2. Choose two works of art (one from each movement/trend) to compare and contrast discussing their visual and conceptual components.