Are Sensitivity & Specificity overatted?

Are Sensitivity & Specificity overatted?

Review Diagnostics and Likelihood Ratios – Explained (Links to an external site.), which discusses likelihood ratios, their use, and their limitations. Likelihood ratios are yet another pair of values describing the relation between the outcome of a diagnostic test and the outcome of the gold standard.

Then review The Problem With Sensitivity and Specificity (Links to an external site.), which outlines some of the limitations of sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value, and why it might be better to favor likelihood ratios. You may skip the section “ROC CURVES: CLINICALLY CUMBERSOME.” Gallagher, the author, believes that sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value might be overutilized and are only worth reporting in certain circumstances. Gallager goes on to say that likelihood ratios are more useful and intuitive quantities that should be favored more heavily.

In your post, explain whether you agree or disagree with these sentiments and explain why.