Choose five books that are linked together by a common theme. Write a theme statement that links all five books together.

Thematic Unit sign.

Prepare a thematic unit for a specific grade of your choosing.

Choose five books that are linked together by a common theme. Write a theme statement that links all five books together. Review the idea of topic vs. theme to make sure you have chosen a theme and not a topic.

Choose the grade level you are planning to teach to write your lessons. This should be for elementary school levels. For each book, you will write a lesson that takes about one hour of your classroom day. Find the Language Arts Common Core Standards (linked below) for your grade level. You will use this to write your lessons. Save them for your chosen grade level so that you have them to reference. For each lesson, you should choose a maximum of two standards to guide your instruction. Create activities for each text that help students approach that standard. Use your Children’s Literature, Briefly text and resources from our course to help you create your activities. In the end, you will have five lessons and five books that you should include for your theme unit.