Can you investigate  accidents and incidents with civil aircraft

Can you investigate  accidents and incidents with civil aircraft

1. Genesis and brief historical evolution of accidents and incidents with civil aircraft investigation
2. Elementary notions (some must also be seen in the Portuguese laws)
2.1. aircraft accident
2.2. aircraft incident
2.3 Safety
2.4. Security
2.5. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
2.6. European Civil Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
2.7. Portuguese National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC)
2.8. Portuguese Office for the Prevention and Investigation of Accidents and Incidents with Aircraft and Railway Accidents (GPIAAF)

3. Regulatory framework
3.1. international regulation
3.1.1. Chicago Convention Annex 13 Annex 19
3.2. European regulation
3.2.1. Regulation (EU) No. 996/2010
3.2.2. Regulation (EU) No. 376/2014
3.2.3. Directive 2003/42/EC
3.3. national regulation (Portuguese)
3.3.1. Decree-Law No. 318/99-
3.3.2. Decree-Law No. 36/2017
3.3.3. Decree-Law No. 218/2005
4. Portuguese National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC)
4.1. Competencies on this matter- regulations on reporting occurrences
5. Portuguese Office for the Prevention and Investigation of Accidents and Incidents with Aircraft and Railway Accidents (GPIAAF)
5.1. your independence
5.2. Statutes
5.3. Occurrence communication
5.4. The decision to investigate or not
5.5. procedure manuals
5.6. Preparation of technical reports
5.7. Cooperation between States
6. Risk analysis- (from what causes the accidents)
6.1. human factors
6.1.1. The civic duty of care
6.2. Automation
6.3. Black list of countries
7. Supervision of applicable regulations
7.1. responsible entities
7.1.1. Functions
8. The role of the Portuguese Public Ministry
8.1. Process Articulation with GPIAAF
8.2. Independence from GPIAAF ( the process of sharing information that must not be shared with Public Ministry)- Sharing facts or leveraging the entire investigation
10. Final considerations
10.1. Conclusion and recommendations
11. Bibliography

The text can be written in english but must be based in the Portuguese law, jurisprudence and doctrine. Those are the topics from my index, some may be changed/exchanged, but please ask me first. If not found in english, i can translate the portuguese Decree-Law and also some of the portuguese jurisprudence