What was the outcome for the organization? What was the outcome for the perpetrators? How do you believe most people would act in a similar circumstance?

Business Scandal Analysis

Watch a movie about a business scandal (this may require a video subscription) and/then research the scandal. If you are unable to watch a movie/documentary about a scandal then just researching it is fine.

Suggested scandals/movies/documentaries:
Smartest Guys in the Room (ENRON) (Amazon Prime Channels or Rent)
All the Queens Horses (Rita Cranwell, City of Dixon) (YouTube) This is about embezzlement at a City but it is acceptable.
Dirty Money (Netflix Series Covering a variety of scandals) (Netflix) You may use any episode except “The Confidence Man”, ” The Man at the Top” “Slumlord Millionaire” or “Dirty Gold”. The Season One episodes are better suited to this assignment.

At a minimum discuss:
The particulars of the case
The critical ethical issues
What was the outcome for the organization?
What was the outcome for the perpetrators?
How do you believe most people would act in a similar circumstance?
How would you react and what could you do now to try to protect yourself and avoid getting caught up in something?

Directions Icon DIRECTIONS
Instructions for the Business/Non-Profit Scandal Analysis (Due Sunday, February 23, 2022)
Prepare a paper that analyzes the scandal. The analysis should be longer than three full pages. The entire submission should consist of at least 5 pages: a cover page, the case analysis, and a reference page. (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point Arial, or Calibri font.) You must cite at least three outside sources (the film/video is one of those sources and your book may be another). Remember to use headings within the paper to create a roadmap for your reader. (Hint: use the headings as an outline to organize your paper. You can draw them from the questions above).