In what ways are sports reflective of the cultural values of a society?

Essay Assignment Ch. 5 (CS)

Based on class text/readings, class lectures, and class materials (including videos) select ONE out of the following four essay topics. In a minimum of 300 words, create and articulate a strong and clear detailed response, providing information and examples to fully explain the question selected. Please number your essay by the number #1-4 of each essay in the list below. Your essay should be clearly written, using appropriate grammar, correct spelling, and proper citations. Your essay should be well-organized and maintain focus on the question. “Proper citation” entails placing quotation marks around any direct quotes you pull from the book with a reference to the page(s) from which the quote was drawn. If you are paraphrasing material in your textbook, you should indicate the page(s) from which you are paraphrasing at the end of the paraphrased content.
Answer the following question.
1. In what ways are sports reflective of the cultural values of a society?