What social determinants have influenced this person’s health beliefs and priorities?



What is health?

What is health to this person and what is their health priority (this will link to the PCC discussion)?

What social determinants have influenced this person’s health beliefs and priorities?

What is the evidence (research) to justify your statements?

Health Conditions

What is the health condition which has led this person to access healthcare?

Identify bio – psychosocial determinants which influence this health condition?

Think about this condition across the lifespan (is it an age-related condition, or would determinates or health priorities change due to the stage of life this individual is in?

Links here to LO1 and LO3 – These discussions require the use of supporting evidence in the literature

There is no need to explain or outline the health condition itself.

2 LO’s here so roughly 500 – 550 words each