Why do you think Solvent 2 produced more visible bands of pigments?

Thin Layer Chromatography of Spinach Extract



Activity 1


Data Table 1


Band No. Band Color Distance Traveled from Origin (mm) Distance Traveled by Solvent Front (mm) Rf Value of Band



Activity 2

Data Table 2


Band No. Band Color Distance Traveled from Origin (mm) Distance Traveled by Solvent Front (mm) Rf Value of Band




Photograph TLC plates quickly, as soon as they are dry. Exposure to air will cause some bands to change color.

Photo 1

Insert the photo of the TLC plate from Activity 1.

The following should be visible in this photo:

  • All bands on the plate, with each marked in the center with a pencil and numbered


Photo 2

Insert the photo of the TLC plate from Activity 2.

The following should be visible in this photo:

  • All bands on the plate, with each marked in the center with a pencil and numbered


  1. Why do you think Solvent 2 produced more visible bands of pigments?


  1. Were the pigments observed using Solvent 1 different from the pigments you observed using Solvent 2? Explain your answer.