What is considered expert knowledge and what knowledge is considered as self-evident

Critical Discourse Analysis on Cancel Culture and Academic Freedom


What’s already known and said about the issue? , i.e. what are the existing debates around this topic?

  1. Public Debates: exploring what is means to think of a debate discursively

Thinking discursively

  • Whose voices are heard?
  • How are terms being used (e.g. academic freedom, cancel culture, mob, etc.)?
  • How do repeated framings set the course of certain debates?

Example toolbox: pay attention to procedures which contains discourse  and which lead to discourse being produced (Mills,2003)

  1. Taboo – What are people allowed to say without being punished
  • Who is being cancelled and for what


  1. Distinguishing between mad and sane
  • Who does and doesn’t get to speak (whose voices are being heard)
  • Eg some says something and get cancelled which destroys their life
  1. Distinguish between true and false
  • What is considered expert knowledge and what knowledge is considered as self-evident
  • g its self-evident that cancel doesn’t fixes society is that true of false
  • How and what is said to be true and false