Identify and explain any overlaps between the risks you identified in the two previous questions. Limit your response to 100 words or less.

In this section, you will assume you are in charge of communications at the company you’ve selected and address, in writing, the risks you’ve identified.

Communicating to investors

Of the risks you identified from your research in Part One of the project, identify the three most material risks to the corporation’s investors and explain, in one short paragraph for each, the nature of the risk and the reason(s) you selected them for your ranking.

Limit your responses to 100 words or less.

  1. Risk 1


  1. Risk 2


  1. Risk 3


Managing reputational risks

Of the risks you identified in Part One, identify two that you believe have the greatest reputational risk associated with them. In the spaces below, describe these risks and how  they might affect the company, and explain why you selected them.

Limit your responses to 100 words or less.




Exploring connections

Identify and explain any overlaps between the risks you identified in the two previous questions. Limit your response to 100 words or less.