Critically analyse the practices and consequences of structural, political, organisational, and cultural discrimination and proactively challenge these when observed or reported 

Advocacy, Activism and Resistance HS186/223


Module outcomes level 5


  1. Critically analyse the practices and consequences of structural, political, organisational, and cultural discrimination and proactively challenge these when observed or reported


  1. Critically analyse approaches to advocacy, negotiation and escalation and proactively work with people, citizens and service users with protected characteristics to ensure equitable access to healthcare and other services


  1. Interpret the consequences of an organisation’s policies and procedures based on people’s experiences, and identify mechanisms that can be used to challenge organisational policies and influence organisational change


  1. Interpret the consequences of legislation, public policy and health and social care policies based on people’s experiences, and identify mechanisms that can be used to challenge public policy and influence policy change



  1. Demonstrating the development of political awareness and courageous, compassionate person-centred activism and solidarity with people and colleagues


  1. Demonstrate resilience and emotional intelligence and be capable of explaining the rationale that influences their judgments and decisions in routine, complex and challenging situations