Consider role of the nurse in influencing or challenging policy. Do nurses lead or follow?

HS186/223 Advocacy, Activism and Resistance Essay Framework

 Critical analysis of approaches to advocacy that challenge legislation, policies and practices based on one of two digital narratives and associated case notes.

2000 words.

 Introduction – 200 words

A good introduction:

  • Clearly outlines the essay topic and refers to the learning outcomes…

e.g. This essay will……address/consider/discuss etc

  • Provides a general context for the assignment – i.e. why the topic is important
    • The NMC tells you in the Code and in their Future Nurse Standards what they expect you to know, understand and do with regards to political awareness, advocacy and knowledge of legislation etc so make links with these important professional documents
  • Give a brief overview of the digital narrative you are focussing on

Main Body – 1600 words

Content may include (but not be limited to):

Discussion of discrimination and associated legislation

(Equality Act 2010) and professional codes

How the individual in the narrative may have been discriminated against and the wider effects of discrimination.

Role of multiple discriminations with reference to intersectionality.

Nurses’ role in challenging and barriers to this.

Discussion of different models of Advocacy

Identify difference between advocacy and activism.

Consider Statutory Advocacy under MCA/MHA and Non statutory Advocacy.

Role of Professional Nurse Advocate

Conflict and barriers to Nurses as Advocates and benefits to patient, self and profession

Whistle blowing, Freedom to Speak up Guardians

Role of legislation

Consider Human Rights Act (1998)  / Care Act (2014)

(Anne with regards to Article 10 Freedom of Expression and Article 11 Freedom of Assembly)  (Chris with regards to Article 3  No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and Article 8 a private and family life which includes the right not to be interfered with physically or psychologically)

 Consider role of the nurse in influencing or challenging policy. Do nurses lead or follow?

Advocating for ourselves as a profession

 Chris – consider models of disability and consider what could be done on the micro and macro level to have made his experience better.  Refer to wider models of Service User Participation.  

 Anne – consider the role of the nurse in advocating on public health issues, where are the boundaries and if there is any conflict in the codes and legislation, should they be challenged? Should there be more focus on the health effects of climate change and sustainability?     

 Conclusion – 200 words

An effective conclusion:

  • Summarises what you have learned
  • Explains how this may have changed your knowledge and thinking
  • Indicates what impact this will have on your developing nursing practice.