Briefly describe your student’s age, grade, and ability level.  This can be copied from the student description you provided earlier in the course.  This is helpful to your instructor as they contextualize the errors the student committed.

Case Study

Student Description: Please briefly describe your student’s age, grade, and ability level.  This can be copied from the student description you provided earlier in the course.  This is helpful to your instructor as they contextualize the errors the student committed.



Developmental Spelling Analysis Errors
Test Prompt Student Response Classification of Error (Phonological, Orthographic; Morphological or Semantic)


**note semantic errors are ONLY found on encoding not decoding

Additional Information:


Specific phonemic, orthographic, morphological elements that the student needs additional assistance with.

Free writing sample errors
Phonics Assessment Errors

Strengths/Areas of Growth

This should be populated by the final column of the table above.  This should be explicit content or skills ordered by the phonological hierarchy or phonics scope and sequence (appendix A of Moats text. Please add or delete as many table rows as needed)  


Strengths Areas for growth
Strengths Areas for growth 
Strengths Areas for growth 
Strengths Areas for growth 


Narrative Analysis (About 2 pages): Using references from course and or external literature, demonstrate your mastery of course content and readings by discussing the following:

  • Where you believe where the student is operating within Ehri’s framework
  • Where you believe the student is operating within the phonological hierarchy (Phonological Awareness, Basic Phonemic Awareness, Compound phonemic awareness). Reference your students data from the PAST assessment here as well.
  • Where within a systematic phonics scope and sequence the student is operating in (Appendix A from Moats; Any systematic scope and sequence you have access to e.g. Wilson Reading; Orton Gillingham; etc. If unsure, contact your professor)
  • Specify what you would prioritize for instruction and give provide a description of an explicit and direct instructional activity with 10 phoneme and/or grapheme targets to be included in the explicit instruction activity