What makes good training?  In small groups discuss what you think makes good training.  Justify your decisions.

Planning Software Rollout


  • To be able to identify suitable methods for a given scenario
  • To identify key components that make up an effective user training package


  1. Look at the table below. Identify the best possible methods for the stage of the rollout plan from the mini-case studies.
Case Phase Proposed method with reasons
A new CRM tool is being rolled out to remote salespeople who are only in the office one day per week. Training  
Monitoring adoption  
A new accounts package is being used at one site by a small accounting company.  There are ten users, and all are qualified accounts technicians.  Staff bill by the hour, so lost time would be very expensive. Training  
  1. A key part of any rollout is training. What makes good training?  In small groups discuss what you think makes good training.  Justify your decisions.