What are user requirements, system requirements, and system specifications?

 Systems Development Cycle154

1. When does the project manager become involved in the project?
2. What is the purpose of the Kickoff meeting? When is the meeting held, and who
runs it?
3. How is the project team created?
4. Describe briefly the contents of a project master plan.
5. Describe phased project planning.
6. What are user requirements, system requirements, and system specifications?
Give examples. How are they related?
7. What are functional requirements? What are performance requirements? Give
8. What are “non-functional requirements”? Give examples.
9. Describe the process of developing user requirements and system
10. What problems are associated with requirements definition? What are ways to
minimize these problems?
11. What is the purpose of specifying priorities and margins in defining
12. Describe concurrent engineering.
13. How are the various functional areas and subcontractors involved in the
requirements definition and project planning process?
14. Briefly define the purpose of quality function deployment (QFD).
15. What is the source of customer needs or requirements that appear in the house
of quality?
16. How do you think the QFD process can be used as part of concurrent
17. Think about the following, or use whatever consumer research material is
available to you, to define customer needs or requirements for the following:
a. A “good” college course
b. Toaster (or other home appliance of your choosing)
c. Cellular telephone
d. Coffee mug for your car.
For each, define a corresponding set of physical or technical characteristics.
Using the format of Figure 4.10, construct a house of quality matrix and show
the relationship between the technical characteristics and customer require-
ments. Use the matrix in each case to “design” or suggest what the ideal product or service would be like or look like.
18. What is the purpose of the project charter? What is included in the charter?
19. To what situations does agile project management apply? How does it differ from the traditional “waterfall” model?