Did the project have a Kickoff meeting? What happened there?

Project and System Definition

1. Did the project have a Kickoff meeting? What happened there?
2. How did the project manager become involved in the project? Was she selected
as project manager before or after the proposal was completed?
3. How was the project team formed?
4. Were there user requirements? How were they defined? Were they
“well-defined” requirements?
5. Were there any system requirements? Were they clear and utilized by the project
6. Were there any system specifications and performance requirements?
If not, how did the project team know what was required of the end-item?
7. Did the project have a master plan? If so, describe the contents. If not, how did
the team know what they were supposed to do (tasks, schedules, responsibili-
ties, etc.)?
8. Describe the process to create the project plan.
9. Did different stakeholders participate in defining the requirements and creating
the project plan?
10. Was QFD or a similar process used to define requirements and/or create the
project plan?
11. What is your overall impression about how well the definition phase was con-
ducted in the project, and of the quality of the system requirements and project