Define the background of aviation biofuel and its implications (also brief explanation of its chemical composition).

A feasibility study on the environmental impact of aviation biofuel at Spaceport Cornwall.

1) Define the background of aviation biofuel and its implications (also brief explanation of its chemical composition).

2) Assess the current contribution of conventional fuels to the emissions of GHG at Spaceport Cornwall, and examine the current emission reduction strategies in place.

3) Determine the potential environmental impact of aviation biofuel at Spaceport

Cornwall and on launches (as well as on global climate change)

4) Assess the challenges and benefits of using aviation biofuel at Spaceport Cornwall (also compared to the previous fossil fuel used).

Research Questions and Aims

1) What are the background and implications of aviation biofuel?

2) What levels of GHG emissions are released by traditional fuel at Spaceport Cornwall

and what are the current measures that the organisation has implemented to

manage carbon emissions?

3) What environmental impact could biofuel, and the increased reliance on it, have at Spaceport Cornwall and on launches (as well as on global climate change)?

4) What challenges and benefits might the growth of aviation biofuel bring to Spaceport Cornwall (also compared to the previous fossil fuels used)?