Identify 2–3 possible financial needs that could be addressed, and project how lack of funding could be problematic in the future. This section must be 100–250 words.

Analysis of Financial Processes and Operations:
1. Select a school district or school system and conduct a needs assessment of the funding of areas and/or programs within your chosen district or school system. Gather multiple data points to evaluate the financial management of the areas/programs within a district/school system. Then, complete a critical analysis of at least three district/school system areas and/or programs. Some areas among others could be salaries, facilities, professional development, transportation, curriculum, etc. This section must be 250–500 words.

2. Within the program analysis, identify 2–3 possible financial needs that could be addressed, and project how lack of funding could be problematic in the future. This section must be 100–250 words.

3. After the identification of 2–3 possible financial needs, prioritize the list based on impact along with possible sustainable solutions to the challenge. This section must be 200–300 words.