Compare Jefferson with Aristotle – How does each writer view and define the tenants of democracy?

Research Essay / Compare and Contrast- You’ll be comparing two of the
authors in the textbook.

Choose ONE of the following suggested topics:
Compare Jung and Freud– Where do they ideas both converge and fall away from one another?
Provide some defining characteristics of psychoanalysis and how each author exemplifies aspects of the discipline
Compare Jefferson with Aristotle – How does each writer view and define the tenants of democracy?
How was this viewed or applied during their time in history? Are their views relevant today?
Criteria for Essay READ CAREFULLY

MUST be five pages in length NOT including the Works Cited page

MUST be in MLA format

MUST properly use at least two in-text quotations from your resources.

MUST include at least FOUR resources :

Two MUST be the textbook,

One MUST be an academic/peer-reviewed journal article,

And another may be from a college website

These resources should be properly formatted and listed on your Works Cited page.

ONE resource MUST be an academic article (from a peer-reviewed journal). These can be found
online through this College Library list of databases:
You MAY NOT use first narrative (any instance of “I”, “me”, “my”, etc…). Your essay MUST be
third person narrative

Wikipedia may NOT be a source on your essay.

Here is the link to the textbook
Required :–

