What do their responses say about their memory? What do their response say about their cognition and growth?

Obtain consent from a family member or friend that fits within the age range specified the above questions.
Refer to the adolescent as ‘participant 3’ or utilize a different name. Please do not utilize the senior’s actual name.
Record the answers the senior provides.
You will turn in the answers to the questions along with your paper.
Discuss the responses the senior provided in terms of development. You can utilize the different chapters in the book as support.
What do you their responses say about their health? Their body and brain development?
What do their responses say about their memory?
What do their response say about their cognition and growth?
Utilize support from the book for your answers.
You are welcome to utilize outside sources for support.
You will combine this part with the other two that you have updated from previous feedback.
This will become your final, large assignment.
Length: -3-6 page maximum.