Using the information gathered from your investigation, provide a description of all the behaviours and patterns of behaviours you have identified, including any repetitive internal dialogues

You are asked to conduct an investigation of your journal forum
entries, experiences during class activities, knowledge acquired through lectures and self
assessments, etc.

1. Do a thorough investigation and review of all your journal group discussion question entries,
experiences during class activities, knowledge acquired from class lectures and selfassessment,
as well as any feedback you received from others with the goal of identifying behaviours that with
improvement would have the potential to develop your capacity as a leader. While conducting
your investigation be sure to consider observable behaviours and all internal dialogue(s)
influencing your behavior. Examples of where you might gather your behavioural data from

a. Any selfassessments you may have completed examples: Situational Leadership
Lead Self, Facilitation Skills, Kilmann Conflict Strategies, Meyers Briggs, etc.

b. As they relate to the following concepts: leadership, facilitating, decisionmaking,
relationship building, task completion, etc.

2. Using the information gathered from your investigation, provide a description of all the behaviours
and patterns of behaviours you have identified, including any repetitive internal dialogues
influencing your behaviour. Support your discussion with examples of the behaviours that you
have identified