What type of music, chants, songs, sounds did you hear? What genres of music? What was the messaging? Was it effective? Was the there crowd participation? Was it call and response? Does this, looking back, appear to be effective?

• Catalog the types of music, songs, chants, sounds you hear in these media clips. The aim
is not to collect these so they can be specifically numbered, rather to get an idea of the
climate and mood during the protests and the role/function of music in the action
thereof—frequency and duration of use, etc. It is also, however, important to note dates
and times as protests and movements change over time and each moment will capture just
that, a moment in time.
• Questions to answer: what type of music, chants, songs, sounds did you hear? What genres of music? What was the messaging? Was it effective? Was the there crowd participation? Was it call and response? Does this, looking back, appear to be effective?
• Are these protests sustainable, and can the musical soundtrack remain consistent going
• As individuals, you are all connected with different people in different ways. Specifically
note the types of clips/footage circulating in your own personal feeds/devices/platforms
in this paper. Why do you supposes this was the way it was?