Would you want to live in Machiavelli’s prince’s territory or in Utopia? Why or why not?

A personal response essay focuses on your own reactions (agreement, horror, dislike, enjoyment, etc.) of an assigned reading. (Machiavelli’s The Prince and Utopia by Thomas More ) In this module, we have read and studied two different and extreme forms of government. Write a 2-3 page personal response essay responding to the following:
1) Discuss the part(s) of the assigned readings that angered/disgusted you.
2) Discuss the part(s) of the assigned readings that you agree with or that you think is a good idea.
3) Would you want to live in Machiavelli’s prince’s territory or in Utopia? Why or why not?
4) Why do both of these extremes fail at some point?
Make sure that your essay complies with the following:
Be sure to reference SPECIFIC aspects of the reading (quotes).
Be sure to reference both works