Would many unions have succeeded in eliminating gender, racial, and ethnic pay disparities if they had practiced union democracy, or did all initiative for equal pay for equal work reside with management?


Attached is the rubric.

Please keep in mind for this assignment you must cite references from two different primary sources only from the list below.

Primary Sources List: (Must cite references from two of these different sources!)

Assignment Instructions:

Incorporate the authors and/or truncated titles of your two selected primary source documents into your Commentary. Remember, your Commentary is NOT a review, rephrasing, or regurgitation of the readings but your attempt to find the underlying or “hidden” or “behind the scene” meaning of the two selected primary sources. In other words, what is the moral of the story?


Would many unions have succeeded in eliminating gender, racial, and ethnic pay disparities if they had practiced union democracy, or did all initiative for equal pay for equal work reside with management?