Influence and Effect of Tobacco Products on Public Health

Influence and Effect of Tobacco Products on Public Health

Your research paper may include (if applicable to your topic) the following information:

Historical Perspective/Background information on your topic
Population affected
Environmental issues
Epidemiological Research
Data Use
Morbidity & Mortality Patterns
Public Health issues & interventions
Medical Response
Prehospital (if applicable)
Government response
Local vs. State vs. Federal
Economic Factors/Issues
Media Coverage/Communication Issues
Logistical Issues
What worked – what didn’t – why
Lessons Learned
The research paper should include an introduction of the topic, a body in which the topic is developed and references cited, and a well-defined conclusion. I strongly recommend that you contact me with the topic of your paper before you begin your research. The topic you choose may be too broad or too narrow, and a discussion may help you to focus so that your learning will be maximized and your paper will be the best it can be.