SBIRT- Screening with Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment Approach

SBIRT Presentation
This is an exercise combining screening for harmful drug (marijuana), with a ‘brief intervention’ using Motivational Interviewing and referrals for follow up with behavioral health specialist. For this assignment, create a narrated presentation regarding a patient case scenario, using the Screening – with Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) approach. APA format is expected. .
Assignment Criteria:
Develop a presentation that includes the following criteria:
SBIRT overview: Describe the SBIRT process and use in healthcare.
Case Presentation Do not include patient identifying information but include age, chief complaint, and risk factors
Screening Tool used – Describe tool, validity, scoring information and citation. Your patient’s score, and the interpretation of the patient’s score.
Brief Intervention: How was the Motivational Interviewing process applied and shared your client’s score and need for behavioral changes
Referral for Treatment: Describe the referral for follow up treatment
Evaluation of the process: Share patient outcome and provider evaluation of SBIRT process
References – 3-5 references. APA format. Include Screening Tool authors.