Describe the company’s history, products, and major competitors by accessing the Mergent University of Arizona Global Campus Library

Describe the company’s history, products, and major competitors by accessing the Mergent University of Arizona Global Campus Library online database which offers company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors and by accessing the Business Insights database. (View the Getting Started With Mergent (Links to an external site.) and Business Insights: Global (Links to an external site.) documents for suggested methods of searching University of Arizona Global Campus Library databases generally as well as specific advice for searching these two databases).
Assess the financial performance and condition of the organization.

Describe the specific areas that indicate a need for change.
Determine what changed objectives, or newly implemented interventions, are required to improve the company’s position within its market.
Assess the trending performance of the company and provide recommendations for improvement.
(NOTE: Incorporate the feedback you receive from your instructor and save your work. It will be part of your Strategic Plan Final Project for this course).