Summarise your assessment of the existing urban forms and architectural typologies, including issues and opportunities

Case Study: Le Port, La Reunion

Le Port is a small town of the French tropical island La Reunion.
Right in its centre (red triangle on the satellite pictures), there is unused land that needs to be
redeveloped. Several stakeholders have shown their interest, including the nearby School of
Architecture, the body of social housing (SIDR), the local government of Le Port and private
developers. The State architecture and urban planning office needs your expertise to make a
Based on your assessment of the existing urban forms and architectural typologies, write a note
that will
● summarise your assessment of the existing urban forms and architectural typologies, including issues and opportunities
● argument and recommend which architectural typology is to be favoured on this land, using precedents and references for the argumentation
● develop a diagrammatic proposal that will address the at least 2 of the above-mentioned issues and opportunities (no scale required)