Explore a social issue or problem affecting a marginalized group in the US and a solution or resolution to alleviate this problem.

College Disabled Students

In a 6-8 page research essay, explore a social issue or problem affecting a marginalized group in the US and a solution or resolution to alleviate this problem. Be sure to narrow the focus of your essay to a specific marginalized group (or intersection of marginalized identities) and specific issue(s).

Use at least 5 sources as support. Look for a variety of appropriate, relevant, and substantial information regarding these groups and issues, including scholarly studies, personal stories, news articles, etc. In an effort to extend as much compassion and humanity to your chosen group and issue, please do your due diligence while researching. Though it is easy to simplify or generalize, be as specific as you can with your language. This is not an opportunity to rant, please present your arguments in a respectful and scholarly manner.