How might the research generally affect those involved? How will those involved in the work will be identified and invited to participate?

The impact of austerity measures on prisons in England and Wales.

You will need to consider the ethical matters arising from your proposed research, arising from your further reflections about the following:
How might the research generally affect those involved?
How will those involved in the work will be identified and invited to participate?
What benefits may accrue to those involved?
What risks or harm might there be for any research participants or data providers, and how they might be mitigated?
What risks of harm might there be for the researcher, and how might that be mitigated?
How will the researchers gain and record participants’ consent to be involved in the research?
What will the status of the data be in relation to confidentiality?
If undertaking secondary data analysis, what ethical issues arise with regards to access, respectful re-use of existing data, researcher ethics.