Choose an intervention, skill, or technique being taught in this course What does this intervention, skill or technique accomplish, measure, improve, address or affect? Why is it needed? What problem does it address?

Evidence based practice

Choose an intervention, skill, or technique being taught in this course
What does this intervention, skill or technique accomplish, measure, improve, address or affect? Why is it needed? What problem does it address? (25 pts)
Select one evidence based peer reviewed journal article that applies to your intervention/skill. Articles must be published within the past 5 years (CINAHL, EBSCO). Additional older sources may be used for historical data, but the evidence-based peer reviewed journal sources must be within the past five years.
Explain the study – the purpose of the study, the participants, the results, how it affects/impacts nursing care in the US today (30 pts)
Determine which National Patient Safety Goal 2020 is addressed by the skill/intervention selected and explain how the skill/intervention meets the requirements. Website: ( 20 pts) (Links to an external site.)
Critically appraise the evidence (25 pts)
What were the results of the study?
Do the results appear to be valid, as close to the truth as possible? Will the results help in caring for patients?
Summarize the outcome of the intervention and application in nursing today
Paper will be APA 7th edition format. Some reminders; must include title page and reference page, introduction and conclusion, header with page number, APA 7th ed citations in paper, 12 pt Times New Roman font or Calibri 11 pt font, double-spaced, two to three pages, not including title and reference pages, write in third person, paragraphs are a minimum of three sentences, reference page – sources alphabetical, hanging indent. Submit to Canvas for Turnitin score.