Determine the writer’s point of view, their feelings and frame of reference about this position. Identify their concerns, values, and goals.

The Steps and Format for Writing a Rogerian/Consensus-Building Argument
Basic Pre-Essay Writing Preparation:
Choose one assigned essay from Unit 3 (or from the list below) to respond to; you will be writing directly to the author(s) in response to that essay
The essay you choose should be one you mostly disagree with but where you can find a common concern, value, or goal that you can share with the writer(s) in terms of working towards a mutually agreeable proposal/solution that you propose.
Highlight or underline the claim/warrant of the essay
Highlight or underline the major backing points of the essay—there should be many
Determine the writer’s point of view, their feelings and frame of reference about this position. Identify their concerns, values, and goals.
List of Essays You May Respond to (Select Only One).
To do this correctly, you should select an essay with a position mostly or somewhat contrary to your own.
Assigned Readings
“Is Abortion Immoral?”
“Roe v. Wade”
“Why Liberals Should Defend the Unborn”
“Beyond Choice: A New Framework for Abortion?”
“Web of Lies”
“It’s Time to Let Teenagers Drink Again”
“Who Will Fix Facebook?”
“The Over/Under: A Back-Story Behind the Drinking Age Debate”
“Bottoms Up!”
“Lowering the Drinking Age Has Serious Consequences”
“Preserving a Free and Open Internet: A Platform for Innovation, Opportunity, and Prosperity”
”The Future of the Internet”
Other Readings
“The Future of Free Speech” by Tim Wu, Chronicle of Higher education, 11/19/2010, Vol. 57. 13,Library
Master FILE Complete
“Sorry, College Students, but the Drinking Age Should Stay at 21” by German Lopez, Vox, 1/19/2016.
“The Way Forward: Bypassing Big Tech Censorship,, Ebsco
“Facebook Censorship and Hypocrisy,” , Ebsco
Other Options: You may choose another essay on to respond to as long as it is on one of the Unit 3 topics of abortion, legal or smoking drinking age, or internet moderation (net neutrality, too), the essay is fairly well written,